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Come, Holy Spirit, Come

Ein pfingstlicher Ruf zum Heiligen Geist

Zur \“Weltpremiere\“ kam dieses Lied, das erst wenige Tage vorher fertig geworden war, am Pfingstsonntag 2010 beim Pfingstgottesdienst mit Menschen aus mehreren Nationen in der kleinen Kirche von San Damiano in Assisi.


Refr.: Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
1. Come and make the world a better place, a place of grace.
Come and make the world be one.
Come and help us create peace on earth.
2. Come and fill our hearts with burning fire of desire.
Come, enlighten our world.
Come and help us create peace on earth.
3. Come and give us thoughts of understanding, never ending.
Come and give us words of love.
Come and help us create peace on earth.
4. Come and help us work for dignity, humanity.
Come and help us stand for truth.
Come and help us create peace on earth.
5. Come, inspire our imaginations and relations.
Come, encourage our hope!
Come and help us create peace on earth.
6. Come, give power to the seeds we sow, the deeds we show.
Come, grant future to the world!
Come and help us create peace on earth.
Refr.: Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Come, Holy Spirit, come
and fill the earth!
7. wie 1.
Refr.: Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Come, Holy Spirit, come
and fill the earth!


Text: Hans Waltersdorfer
Melodie: Hans Waltersdorfer
Entstehungsjahr: 2010


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